You will learn nothing here.
So. A small bit about me.
I have always loved photography. My first camera was a Pentax with a screw lens mount, so that should tell you a bit about my vintage.
I have kept pretty much every frame film or digital file I have ever shot. This makes me:
a) A hoarder
b) Terribly disorganized
c) Clinically depressed
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
I always hated when they did that on tests in school, because I never knew the answer and the choices really didn't help. I just always picked 'c', which in this case is actually the wrong answer.
All of the photos on this site have been shot within the last couple of years, probably. Mobile photography has truly re-kindled my love for exploring photography. So everything on this site is shot with an iPhone, except for the stuff that is not. Funny that it is hard to tell the difference sometimes. Does it really even matter? Nah.