
I've been a photographer in one way or anther since I was 16. That was a long time ago, but it doesn't seem that way.

I have a day job. I'm the Director of News Photography for The Canadian Press, the national news-gathering agency. This site has nothing to do with my day job. Zero. Our social media rules dictate that I declare this, and in the spirit of transparency, there it is. Take from it what you want. You'll not find any grand declarations here anyway. I'm just not that way.

I've always taken photos, but like any photographer I've had my ups-and-downs with the whole thing. While digital photography made everything easier, it also ushered in a terrible period of flat and un-adventursome photography, for me anyway.

As dumb as it sounds, my iPhone rekindled my love of photography. Photos for the sake of photos. Art for art's sake. Pictures for fun. 

I can be contacted at graeme@graemeroy.com